Mattevi Group: Two-Dimensional Materials
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The Mattevi Group - May 2022
Maria, Evan, Stefano and Nagaraju presenting our research on 3D Printed batteries at Imperial Lates - Tiny Science event

Dr Mattevi would like to acknowledge funding from the European Research Council via the ERC - Proof of concept grant "3D Printed Zn-ion Batteries for Wearable Devices" and the ERC Consolidator grant "3D AddChip"

Dr Mattevi would like to thank funding from the UK Space Agency, Petronas, EPSRC, Graphene Flagship, and The Royal Society

False Colour SEM of WxCuySz Nano-succulent Photo-catalyst, winner of the Scientific Image Competition at the Department of Materials Post-doc symposium

"Synthesis of mono- and few-layered n-type WSe2 from solid state inorganic precursors", published in Nanoscale 14.42 (2022): 15651-15662.