A key goal of the Centre is to reach out beyond the academic community to engage policymakers, industry-based professionals and the wider public.

The Barrer Centre team members each have a strong global reputation in research, development and commercialisation. We are keen to engage with industry to form partnerships that allow organisations to add value to their research, business and strategic objectives. Our researchers use the latest technologies and best-practice methodologies to enhance your research and deliver tangible outcomes.

How we can help

Partnerships and collaborations allow your organisation to access our our team of highly-skilled, multi-disciplinary researchers. We provide an opportunity for you to share in tackling our grand challenges and shape research direction. We can also provide opportunities for you to help educate and recruit outstanding graduates.

Contact us to make an enquiry.

Queen's tower

Annual Report

Download our annual report.

Barrer Centre Annual Report 2018

Contact us

Barrer Centre
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus

Email: barrer.centre@imperial.ac.uk