Biologically Inspired Computation and Inference

Biologically Inspired Computation and Inference Lab

About us

The BICI Lab at Imperial College works on methods of inference.  Traditionally, our group has focussed largely on visual data from natural scenes, medical and microscopy images and indoor environments. More recently, we have expanded our activities to focus on non-visual data; many inference problems require that several types of information be used. This is true not only for engineering and computer vision, but also for scientific hypothesis testing. Consequently, our remit is broadened from image analysis or computer vision, and you might think of our team members as conducting research into data science and machine learning. A look at our list of collaborators (team page) will provide some idea of the breadth of our research activities in this space, and our publications page also provides some insight. You’ll also see that – though we focus on developing algorithms – we collaborate with neuroscientists,  making our approach to research somewhat unique.