At the core of the group are three state of the art laboratories, a cadaver lab, additive manufacturing lab, and x-ray microscopy lab.  The laboratories uses high-tech equipment listed below:

  • Universal testing machines: used for mechanical testing of engineering and biological materials
    -Screw-driven Instron 5565 - for uniaxial (compression or tension) quasi-static tests
    -Servo-hydraulic Instron 8874 - for dual axis (compression or tension, and torsion) quasi-static, dynamic or cyclic tests 
  • Biological testing equipment

    -Perfusion bioreactor equipped with peristaltic pump - for dynamic in-vitro cell or ex-vivo tissue culturing
    -Optical microscope

  • Biomechanics testing equipment
    -KUKA Robot
    -Knee Kinematics Rig
    -Knee Extension Rig
    -Shoulder Wear Simulator
    -Optical Tracking Camera Vega
    -Optical Tracking Camera Certus

  •  Additive manufacturing 
    -Powder bed fusion systems (Renishaw plc., UK) equipped with CP-Titanium Grade 2, Ti-6Al-4V or Stainless Steel 316L powders

  • Imaging 
    -3D digital microscope (Hirox, Japan)

Contact us

The Biomechanics Group
Mechanical Engineering
Imperial College London

South Kensington Campus
City & Guilds Building
Exhibition Road
London SW7 2AZ

+44 (0) 20 7589 5111