Special events

Imperial Festival (May 2013)

Maria Fuentes Gari setting up the bioreactor
Maria Fuentes Gari setting up the bioreactor
Eirini Velliou with the bioreactor
Eirini Velliou with the bioreactor
Maria Rende at Imperial Festival
Maria Rende at Imperial Festival
Ruth Misener and Iliana Fauzi at Imperial Festival
Ruth Misener and Iliana Fauzi at Imperial Festival
Osama Fallata at Imperial Festival
Osama Fallata at Imperial Festival
Susana Brito Dos Santos and Maria Fuentes Gari at Imperial Festival
Susana Brito Dos Santos and Maria Fuentes Gari at Imperial Festival

Research-away day (May 2005)

Research-away day photo 1


Research-away day photo 2


Research-away day photo 3

International Centre for Process Systems Engineering (ICPSE) Spring Consortium 2005 [Imperial College London]

2005 iCPSE Spring Consortium
2005 iCPSE Spring Consortium
2005 iCPSE Spring Consortium
2005 iCPSE Spring Consortium
2005 iCPSE Spring Consortium
2005 iCPSE Spring Consortium


7th International Conference on Cellular Engineering in Seoul, Korea (Sept 2005)

2005 7th ICCE
2005 7th ICCE
2005 7th ICCE
2005 7th ICCE
2005 7th ICCE
2005 7th ICCE
2005 7th ICCE
2005 7th ICCE


Research group socialising drink (Jan 05)
Research group socialising drink (Jan 05)
Joan's transfer presentation celebration (March 05)
Joan's transfer presentation celebration (March 05)
Joan's transfer presentation celebration (March 05)
Joan's transfer presentation celebration (March 05)
Wesley's farewell meal

Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture
Wesley's farewell meal picture

Christmas day 2005

Christmas day 2005
Christmas day 2005
Christmas day 2005
Christmas day 2005
Christmas day 2005
Christmas day 2005

Olympic 2004 in Greece

Dr. Mantalaris, Greece Olympic 2004
Dr. Mantalaris, Greece Olympic 2004
Donkey for the handicapped, Olympic 2004 in Greece
Donkey for the handicapped, Olympic 2004 in Greece

Meeting in ACEX207 (April 05)
Meeting in ACEX207 (April 05)

Routine research group meetings

Research group meeting (Feb 05)
Research group meeting (Feb 05)
Research group meeting (Feb 05)
Research group meeting (Feb 05)
Jone's presentation (March 05)
Jone's presentation (March 05)
Yunyi's presentation (March 05)
Yunyi's presentation (April 05)

Mon-Han's presentation (May 05)
Mon-Han's presentation (May 05)

Cleo's presentation (May 05)
Cleo's presentation (May 05)

Ines's presentation (April 05)
Ines's presentation (April 05)
Michalis's presentation (May 05)
Michalis's presentation (May 05)
Nick's presentation (May 05)
Nick's presentation (May 05)

Champagne in meeting (May 05)
Champagne in meeting (May 05)

Contact details

Professor Sakis Mantalaris
Head of BSEL Group

Chemical Engineering Department

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 5601


