What's on

Symposium on human interfacing and augmentation
Date: 26-27 September 2024

Tutorial on "Foundations of interaction control for contact robots"
Date: 14 October 2024

Peruse the Human Robotics Group's gallery of social events.

International Journal of Robotics Research Special Issue on Robotics to augment a human's degrees-of-freedom

Symposium on human interfacing and augmentation, 26-27/09/2024

Tutorial on "Foundations of interaction control for contact robots", IEEE/RSJ Int Conf on Robots and Systems (IROS), Abu Dhabi, 14/10/2024

Past Events


Workshop on "Joint discussions about joint actions and interactions", IEEE RAS/EMBS Int Conf on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob), Heidelberg, 1/9/2024

Workshop on "The Robotics, Psychology and Neuroscience of Body Augmentation", IEEE Int Conf on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 13/05/2024

Session on "Feedforward and Feedback Mechanisms of Neural Control: Theory and Applications", Neural Control of Movements meeting (NCM), co-organised with F Crevecoeur, F de Groote, J Schwaner and D Franklin, 16-19/04/2024


Workshop on "Visuo-Tactile Perception, Learning, Control for Manipulation and HRI Emerging Data Driven Approach", 2023 IEEE Int Conf on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 01/10/2023

Workshop on "Multilimb Coordination in Human Neuroscience and Robotics: Classical and Learning Perspectives", 2023 IEEE Int Conf on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 01-05/10/2023

Workshop on "Advances in Sensorimotor Augmentation", 2023 Int Conf of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), co-organised with J Eden, C Mehring, G Ganesh, N Jarrasse, M Inami, Y Miyawaki, 24/07/2023

Workshop on "The Robotics and Neuroscience of Supernumerary Limbs"2023 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), London, UK, 29/05/2023


Special session on IEEE WCCI 2022 "Advanced Fuzzy Technology with Application to Interactive Robots", Padua, Italy, 18-23/07/2022

Workshop on "Human Augmentation for Medical Robotics", Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics 2022, London, UK,  26/6/2022


IROS 2021 workshop ''Advances in Space Robotics and Back to Earth'',  online, 1/10/2021

Summer School on Wearable Robotics, Valdecanas island, Spain, 6-10/9/2021

Workshop on "Three-hand surgery", Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics 2021, online,  7/7/2021

NeuroRehack, International Summer School and Hackathon on Neurorehabilitation Engineering, Imperial College London, UK; CMC Vellore, India;  IIT Madras, India; SUR-FSL, Italy; University of Queensland, Australia; University of Tübingen, Germany; University of Melbourne, Australia, 28/6-16/07/2021


European Computational Motor Control Summer School, Mas des Violettes, France, 7-13/06/2020

ICRA 2020, Paris, France, 31/05/2020-04/06/2020

Winter School on Wearable Robotics, Obertauern, Austria, 20-24/01/2020

2019 and earlier

RehabWeek 2019, Toronto, Canada, 24-28/06/2019

Winter School on Wearable Robotics, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia, 22-25/01/2019

Summer School in Robotics - Biology Symbiosis, Imperial College London, UK, 19-21/09/2017

RehabWeek 2017: Translation and Clinical Delivery, London, UK, 17-21/07/2017

Eurohaptics 2016, Imperial College London, UK, 4-7/07/2016

Summer School on Human Sensing and Applications to Robotics and Haptic Displays, Lille, France, 18-22/05-2015

Winter School on Computational Methods for Neurorehabilitation, Obertauern, Austria, 27-31/01/2014

What's on

Symposium on human interfacing and augmentation

Date: 26-27 September 2024

Tutorial on "Foundations of interaction control for contact robots"

Date: 14 October 2024