TUM - Imperial College online reading course on Markov operators, entropy and evolution, 05 November 2020 onwards, Online

The aim of this course, starting 5th Nov, is to go through the book on “Chaos, Fractals and Noise” by Lasota and Mackey, Second edition, Springer, 1994. These online meetings are 90 minutes long and will take place every Thursday between 12.45pm and 2.15pm London time. Information about the meetings can be seen from the course website

Participation is free, however participants are required to get in touch by emailing us at ictummathshub-staff@imperial.ac.uk. A link for the online meetings will then be sent to your email.

TUM ICL Workshop, 09-10 January 2020, Munich

Workshop Cooperation Technical University Munich and Imperial College London, TUM - Department of Mathematics - Boltzmannstr. 3 - 85748 Garching b. München. Information about the event including the programme can be seen from the event website.

Imperial – TUM Workshop, 20-21 June 2019, London

The aim of this workshop is to explore avenues for future joint research projects and funding initiatives involving the mathematics departments at Imperial College London and TU Munich and to strengthen the relationship between both institutions. The workshop takes place in Room 402, EPSRC Centres for Doctoral Training Suite. Download the programme, June 2019.

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