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  • Journal article
    Ahmad H, Aidit SN, Ooi SI, Samion MZ, Wang S, Wang Y, Sahu JK, Zamzuri AKet al., 2021,

    1.3 µm dissipative soliton resonance generation in Bismuth doped fiber laser.

    , Sci Rep, Vol: 11

    In this work, a Figure-9 (F9) bismuth-doped fiber laser (BiDFL) operating in the dissipative soliton resonance (DSR) regime is presented. The 1338 nm laser used a BiDF as the active gain medium, while a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror (NALM) in an F9 configuration was employed to obtain high energy mode-locked pulses. The wave breaking-free rectangular pulse widened significantly in the time domain with the increase of the pump power while maintaining an almost constant peak power of 0.6 W. At the maximum pump power, the mode-locked laser delivered a rectangular-shaped pulse with a duration of 48 ns, repetition rate of 362 kHz and a radio-frequency signal-to-noise ratio of more than 60 dB. The maximum output power was recorded at around 11 mW with a corresponding pulse energy of 30 nJ. This is, to the best of the author's knowledge, the highest mode-locked pulse energy obtained at 1.3 μm as well as the demonstration of an NALM BiDFL in a F9 configuration.

  • Journal article
    Codescu M-A, Weiß M, Brehm M, Kornilov O, Sebastiani D, Nibbering ETJet al., 2021,

    Switching between Proton Vacancy and Excess Proton Transfer Pathways in the Reaction between 7-Hydroxyquinoline and Formate

    , The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol: 125, Pages: 1845-1859, ISSN: 1089-5639
  • Conference paper
    Murray RT, Chandran AM, Battle RA, Runcorn TH, Schunemann PG, Zawilski KT, Guha S, Taylor JRet al., 2021,

    Seeded optical parametric generation in CdSiP2 pumped by a nanosecond pulsed, MHz repetition rate Raman fiber amplifier at 1.24 µm

    , Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials and Devices XX, Publisher: SPIE, Pages: 1-10

    We report a CdSiP2 (CSP) based seeded optical parametric generator (OPG), emitting sub-nanosecond duration, 3 MHz repetition rate, wavelength tunable mid-infrared (MIR) light at 4.2-4.6 μm. We generate up to 0.25 W at 4.2 μm with a total pump conversion efficiency of 42%. The OPG is pumped by a 1.24 μm Raman fiber amplifier system. This is the first demonstration of pumping CSP with a Raman fiber source in this region, and we show that Raman fiber sources in the near-infrared (NIR) are ideal pump sources for non-critically phasematched (NCPM) CSP devices. Pumping CSP at 1.24 μm permits the use of NCPM whilst decreasing the negative effects of both two-photon absorption and linear absorption losses, when compared to conventional 1 μm pumping. This offers a potential advantage for MIR power scaling of CSP parametric devices due to a reduced thermal load in the crystal from residual pump absorption. The OPG is seeded with a continuous-wave fiber supercontinuum source emitting radiation in the 1.7 μm region, to lower the threshold pump intensity required for efficient conversion. NCPM and temperature tuning of the crystal allow for simple wavelength tuning of the idler radiation. We report on laser damage induced by elevated crystal temperatures, which we propose is linked to the decrease in CSP bandgap energy with increasing temperature.

  • Journal article
    Kondo H, Ratcliffe CDH, Hooper S, Ellis J, MacRae J, Hennequart M, Dunsby CW, Anderson K, Sahai Eet al., 2021,

    Single-cell resolved imaging reveals intra-tumor heterogeneity in glycolysis, transitions between metabolic states, and their regulatory mechanisms

    , CELL REPORTS, Vol: 34, ISSN: 2211-1247
  • Journal article
    Wang Y, Thipparapu NK, Richardson DJ, Sahu JKet al., 2021,

    Ultra-Broadband Bismuth-Doped Fiber Amplifier Covering a 115-nm Bandwidth in the O and E Bands

    , JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY, Vol: 39, Pages: 795-800, ISSN: 0733-8724
  • Journal article
    Jones DC, Alexandrov Y, Curry N, Kumar S, Lanigan PMP, McGuinness CD, Dale MW, Twitchen DJ, Fisher D, Neil MAA, Dunsby C, French PMWet al., 2021,

    Multidimensional spectroscopy and imaging of defects in synthetic diamond: excitation-emission-lifetime luminescence measurements with multiexponential fitting and phasor analysis

    , Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, Vol: 54, Pages: 1-13, ISSN: 0022-3727

    We report the application of phasor analysis and nonlinear iterative fitting to complex spatial and spectroscopic luminescence decay data obtained from multidimensional microscopy of a CVD diamond grown on a HPHT substrate. This spectral and lifetime-resolved analysis enabled spatial mapping of variations in concentrations of nitrogen vacancy (NV) defects in both charge states and the quenching of NV− defects, as well as the identification of SiV− luminescence. These imaging and spectroscopic modalities may be important for reliable fabrication of quantum devices based on such defects in diamond, which will require well-defined and characterised quantum electronic properties.

  • Journal article
    Kumar S, Bhuyan MK, Iwahori Y, 2021,

    Multi-level uncorrelated discriminative shared Gaussian process for multi-view facial expression recognition

    , Visual Computer, Vol: 37, Pages: 143-159, ISSN: 0178-2789

    In multi-view facial expression recognition, discriminative shared Gaussian process latent variable model (DS-GPLVM) gives better performance than that of linear and nonlinear multi-view learning-based methods. However, Laplacian-based prior used in DS-GPLVM only captures topological structure of data space without considering the inter-class separability of the data, and hence the obtained latent space is suboptimal. So, we propose a multi-level uncorrelated DS-GPLVM (ML-UDSGPLVM) model which searches a common uncorrelated discriminative latent space learned from multiple observable spaces. A novel prior is proposed, which not only depends on the topological structure of the intra-class data, but also on the local-between-class-scatter-matrix of the data onto the latent manifold. The proposed approach employs an hierarchical framework, in which, expressions are first divided into three sub-categories. Subsequently, each of the sub-categories are further classified to identify the constituent basic expressions. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in many instances.

  • Conference paper
    Tawy G, Minassian A, Damzen MJ, 2021,

    8.5W linear and 3.6W Ring TEM<inf>00</inf> diode-pumped alexandrite lasers

  • Conference paper
    Wang Y, Thipparapu NK, Richardson DJ, Sahu Jet al., 2021,

    Bi-doped fiber amplifiers for ultra-wideband optical communication systems

    , ISSN: 1099-4742

    Bismuth (Bi)-doped fibers provide great potential for developing optical amplifiers in the low-loss transmission window, 1250-1650nm, of silica fibers. In this paper, we review recent progress of Bi-doped fiber amplifiers (BDFAs) covering 1345-1460nm spectral region. We also present the BDFA performance at different ambient temperatures.

  • Conference paper
    Hong Y, Taengnoi N, Bottrill KRH, Thipparapu NK, Wang Y, Sahu JK, Richardson DJ, Petropoulos Pet al., 2021,

    Experimental Demonstration of 50-Gb/s/λ O-band CWDM Direct-Detection Transmission over 100-km SMF

    , ISSN: 2162-108X

    We demonstrate the first single-sideband 50-Gb/s/λ coarse WDM direct-detection transmission in the O-band. It is shown that the Kramers-Kronig-detection assisted single-sideband transmission exhibits significant OSNR sensitivity improvements over double-sideband transmission, enabling up to 100-km reach.

  • Conference paper
    Wang Y, Thipparapu NK, Richardson DJ, Sahu JKet al., 2021,

    High gain Bi-doped fiber amplifier operating in the E-band with a 3-dB bandwidth of 40nm

    We report a double-pass bismuth-doped fiber amplifier operating in the E-band providing 38dB gain with 6dB NF for -23dBm input signal at 1430nm. The amplifier 3-dB bandwidth and temperature-dependent-gain coefficient are 40nm and -0.006dB/?, respectively.

  • Conference paper
    Hong Y, Bottrill KRH, Wang Y, Thipparapu NK, Sahu JK, Petropoulos P, Richardson DJet al., 2021,

    O+E-band transmission over 50-km SMF using a broadband bismuth doped fibre amplifier

  • Conference paper
    Thipparapu NK, Alam S, Wang Y, Shankar P, Richardson DJ, Sahu JKet al., 2021,

    Tunable actively mode-locked bi-doped O-band fibre laser

  • Conference paper
    Tawy G, Minassian A, Damzen MJ, 2021,

    8.5W linear and 3.6W Ring TEM<inf>00</inf> diode-pumped alexandrite lasers

  • Conference paper
    Geberbauer JWT, Kerridge-Johns WR, Damzen MJ, 2021,

    &gt;30 W vortex laser using vortex output coupler

  • Conference paper
    Chandran AM, Battle RA, Murray RT, Runcorn TH, Taylor JRet al., 2021,

    743 nm Source by SHG of a Cascaded Phosphosilicate Raman Fiber Amplifier

    We demonstrate a nanosecond-pulsed 743 nm source by second harmonic generation of a cascaded phosphosilicate Raman fiber amplifier operating at 1485 nm. The source emits >1 W of 743 nm average power at a 5 MHz repetition rate.

  • Conference paper
    Deepak MD, Karthik P, Kumar SS, Deepak NAet al., 2021,

    Comparative Study of Feature Extraction Using Different Transform Techniques in Frequency Domain

    , Pages: 2835-2846, ISSN: 1876-1100

    The compressed sensing is a mathematical approach of reconstructing a signal that is acquired from the dimensionally reduced data coefficients/less number of samples, i.e., less than the Niquist rate. The data coefficients are high-frequency components and low-frequency components. The high-frequency components are due to the rapid changes in the images (edges) and low-frequency correspond are due to slow varying information (continuous surface). The idea is to retain only low-frequency components, i.e., the significant components that constitute the compressed signal. This compressed signal is the sparse signal which is so helpful during medical scenario. During the Medical Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans, the patient undergoes many kinds difficulties like uncomfortness, patients are afraid of the scanning devices, he/she cannot be stable or changing his body positions slightly. Due to all these reasons, there can be a chance of acquiring only the less number of samples during the process of MRI scan. Even though the numbers of samples is less than the Nyquist rate, the reconstruction is possible by using the compressed sensing technique. The work has been carried out in the frequency domain to achieve the sparsity. The comparative study is done on percentage of different levels of sparsity of the signal. This can be verified by using peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), root mean square error (RMSE), and structural similarity (SSIM) methods which are calculated between the reference image and the reconstructed image.

  • Conference paper
    Sparks H, Almagro J, Behrens A, Salbreux G, Dunsby Cet al., 2021,

    Dual-view oblique plane microscopy

    Dual-view Oblique Plane Microscopy (dOPM) enables single-objective multi-view light-sheet fluorescence microscopy. This talk introduces the dOPM concept and demonstrates optical resolution performance with exemplar 3D datasets of fluorescence bead samples and fixed multicellular spheroids.

  • Conference paper
    Murray RT, Chandran AM, Battle RA, Runcorn TH, Schunemann PG, Zawilski KT, Guha S, Taylor JRet al., 2021,

    CdSiP<inf>2</inf> based mid-infrared optical parametric sources pumped with Raman fiber amplifiers

    CdSiP2 (CSP) is a nonlinear optical semiconductor which can phasematch pump wavelengths throughout the near-infrared (NIR) to generate mid-infrared (MIR) light through parametric three-wave mixing. In this work, we investigate the unique combination of NIR Raman fiber amplifiers around 1.24 µm and non-critical phasematching in CSP, to demonstrate tunable sources in the 4-5 µm MIR region.

  • Journal article
    Himabindu DD, Kumar SP, 2021,

    A Survey on Computer Vision Architectures for Large Scale Image Classification using Deep Learning

    , International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol: 12, Pages: 105-120, ISSN: 2158-107X

    The advancement in deep learning is increasing day-by-day from image classification to language understanding tasks. In particular, the convolution neural networks are revived and shown their performance in multiple fields such as natural language understanding, signal processing, and computer vision. The property of translational invariance for convolutions has made a huge advantage in the field of computer vision to extract feature invariances appropriately. When these convolutions trained using back-propagation tend to prove their results ability to outperform existing machine vision techniques by overcoming the various hand-engineered machine vision models. Hence, a clear understanding of current deep learning methods is crucial. These convolution neural networks have proven to show their performance by attaining state-of-the-art performance in computer vision over years when applied on humongous data. Hence in this survey, we detail a set of state-of-the-art models in image classification evolved from the birth of convolutions to present ongoing research. Each state-of-the-art model evolved in the successive year is illustrated with architecture schema, implementation details, parametric tuning and their performance. It is observed that the neural architecture construction i.e. a supervised approach for an image classification problem is evolved as data construction with cautious augmentations i.e., a self-supervised approach. A detailed evolution from neural architecture construction to augmentation construction is illustrated by provided appropriate suggestions to improve the performance. Additionally, the implementation details and the appropriate source for the execution and reproducibility of results are tabulated.

  • Conference paper
    Geberbauer JWT, Kerridge-Johns WR, Damzen MJ, 2021,

    &gt;30 W vortex laser using vortex output coupler

  • Conference paper
    Hong Y, Deligiannidis S, Taengnoi N, Bottrill KRH, Thipparapu NK, Wang Y, Sahu JK, Richardson DJ, Mesaritakis C, Bogris A, Petropoulos Pet al., 2021,

    Performance-enhanced amplified o-band WDM transmission using machine learning based equalization

    We investigate the performance of a machine learning-based equalization in an amplified 4×50-Gb/s O-band WDM system. The results show that the scheme offers significant receiver sensitivity improvements over decision-feedback equalization, especially at more dispersive wavelengths.

  • Conference paper
    Berk J, Paterson C, Foreman MR, 2021,

    Tracking using surface plasmon leakage radiation speckle

    An approach capable of label-free sensing and tracking of single nanoscale particles using interference between light scattered from the particle and a plasmon leakage radiation speckle field is introduced. Simulations show nanometre level tracking accuracy.

  • Conference paper
    Darling C, Davis SPX, Kumar S, French PMW, McGinty Jet al., 2021,

    Single-Shot Volumetric Imaging Using Optical Projection Tomography

    , ISSN: 1605-7422

    We present a single-shot volumetric imaging method, utilising optical projection tomography. We record projections simultaneously, implementing compressive sensing and machine learning to record up to 70 (camera limited) 1x1x1.9mm volumes/second.

  • Conference paper
    Lightley J, Görlitz F, Kumar S, Kalita R, Kolbeinsson A, Garcia E, Alexandrov Y, Bousgouni V, Wysoczanski R, Barnes P, Donelly L, Bakal C, Dunsby C, Neil MAA, Flaxman S, French PMWet al., 2021,


    , ISSN: 1605-7422

    We present a robust, low-cost neural network-based optical autofocus system that can operate over a range of ±100µm with submicron precision, enabling automated high-content super-resolved imaging with a 1.3 NA objective lens.

  • Conference paper
    Kalita R, Lightley J, Kumar S, Alexandrov Y, Garcia E, Flanagan W, Neil MAA, Dunsby C, French PMWet al., 2021,

    Single-shot quantitative phase contrast using polarisation-resolved differential phase microscopy

    , ISSN: 1605-7422

    We present a robust, low-cost single-shot implementation of differential phase microscopy utilising a polarisation-sensitive camera to simultaneously acquire 4 images from which the phase gradients and quantitative phase image can be calculated.

  • Conference paper
    Hong Y, Deligiannidis S, Taengnoi N, Bothrill KRH, Thipparapu NK, Wang Y, Sahu JK, Richardson DJ, Mesaritakis C, Bogris A, Petropoulos Pet al., 2021,

    Performance-enhanced Amplified O-band WDM Transmission using Machine Learning based Equalization

    , Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Publisher: IEEE, ISSN: 2160-9020
  • Conference paper
    Lightley J, Gorlitz F, Kumar S, Kalita R, Kolbeinsson A, Garcia E, Alexandrov Y, Bousgouni V, Wysoczanski R, Barnes P, Donelly L, Bakal C, Dunsby C, Neil MAA, Flaxman S, French PMWet al., 2021,


    , European Conferences on Biomedical Optics - Advances in Microscopic Imaging III, Publisher: SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0277-786X
  • Conference paper
    Darling C, Davis SPX, Kumar S, French PMW, McGinty Jet al., 2021,

    Single-Shot Volumetric Imaging Using Optical Projection Tomography

    , European Conferences on Biomedical Optics - Advances in Microscopic Imaging III, Publisher: SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0277-786X
  • Conference paper
    Kalita R, Lightley J, Kumar S, Alexandrov Y, Garcia E, Flanagan W, Neil MAA, Dunsby C, French PMWet al., 2021,

    Single-shot quantitative phase contrast using polarisation-resolved differential phase microscopy

    , European Conferences on Biomedical Optics - Advances in Microscopic Imaging III, Publisher: SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, ISSN: 0277-786X

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