Current projects involve 4 PhD students and 6 post-doctoral researcher associates/fellows and include research in the fields of:

  1. Hydrodynamic dispersion and heterogeneity during miscible and immiscible displacements
  2. Characterising mass transfer between fluid phases in Porous

Experimental Officer

Dr Saurabh Shah


Dr Branko Bijeljic - Integrated Experiments and Modelling
Dr John Crawshaw - Core Scale Multiphase Flow/Multidimensional Imaging and Characterisation of Buoyancy-Driven Flow in Reactive Porous Media
Dr Farrel Gray - Reactive Transport in Fractured Media: Modelling 
Dr Sojwal Manoorkar - The impact of capillary heterogeneity on the measurement of relative permeability in the carbonate rock
Dr Hannah Menke - Reservoir Condition Pore-Scale Imaging of Reaction 
Dr Kamal Singh - Pore-scale imaging and modelling of multiphase flow:  micro-CT imaging facility
Dr Ioannis Zacharoudiou - Pore-scale imaging and modelling of multiphase flow: Lattice Boltzmann modelling



Yousef Al-Khulaifi - Pore scale reactive transport in carbonates
Simon Franchini - Characterising mass transfer between fluid phases in Porous Media
Ying Gao - Pore-scale imaging and modelling of multiphase flow: A) micro-CT imaging facility
Rebecca Liyange - Multidimensional Imaging and Characterisation of Buoyancy-Driven Flow in Reactive Porous Media

Former Researchers/Students

Ali Al-Menhali - The impact of wetting alteration on multiphase flow in carbonates 
Ibrahim Daher - Reactive Transport and the Effects of Carbon Dioxide Injection into Fractured Systems: Core Experiments
Farrel Gray - Reactive Transport in Fractured Media: Modelling 
Peter Lai - Dual Energy CT for mineral identification 
Catriona Reynolds - Multiphase flow characterisation of reservoir rocks in the UK, Australia and the United States and the impact of flow potential on ganglia dynamics and continuum scale flow for CO2 
Dr Ben Niu - Core scale multiphase flow/Dissolution-induced changes of the petrophysical properties of carbonate rocks and their influence on multiphase flow properties 
Dr Nathan Welch - Multi-scale imaging and flow modelling of cap rock exposure to CO2 
Maartje Boon - Observations of Chemical Transport and Reaction in Porous Media in 3D with Applications to understanding the Role of Heterogeneity  

A full list of publications related to this project are available here.