Maximising the impact of Imperial’s world-leading research, education and innovation to help the developing world plan for the sustainable development challenges society will face over the next 50 years.

The Global Development Hub, formally launched in April 2021, aims to bring together in a meaningful way, the College's academic, and communications community and its partners in developing countries to maximise the global impact of our Internationally renowned research, education and innovation. The Global Development Hub will focus on some of the most pressing challenges of our time including climate change, air pollution, plateauing crop yields in the face of a growing global population, the continuing epidemics of malaria, tuberculosis and HIV and emerging infectious diseases like COVID-19 in terms of their impacts on developing countries, to co-develop and test the implementation of key solutions. 

The Hub will engage with the United Nations Sustainable Agenda 2030, working with the most vulnerable and marginalised societies where multiple global challenges are acutely concentrated. Through engagement with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Development Hub will help to enhance existing research partnerships and establish new ones, capture student demand for SDG-related education, and ultimately lead across faculties the College as a responsible, inclusive, and globally aware university. 

The Hub additionally offers a community-building network to support new multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral research partnerships focused on global development challenges, bringing together academia, government, policymakers, NGOs, civil society and industry.

The Hub will offer a platform to support the College's education and student experience, in particular supporting students from LMIC linking them to and developing programmes that instil a passion for sustainable international development and the skills and thinking needed to rise the challenge of the UN SDGs and the legacy beyond them.

The Hub aims to develop four strands of activity to:

  • Utilise the College's convening power to influence policy and engage with governments, UN and other multi-lateral agencies, foundations, industry, NGOs.
  • Position the Hub as a platform for ambitious new research partnerships and projects and engagement with donors and funders in the international development space;
  • Increase the College's geographic and demographic reach and future talent pipeline through global outreach e.g. entrepreneurial programmes, remote short courses; fundraising for scholarships;
  • Provide a networking platform for SDG-aligned teaching, learning innovation and student experience.

The Global Development Hub is led by its Co- Directors Professor Mike Templeton and Professor Sarah Fidler.  Visit the Global Development Hub webpages to find out more.

View further details on the HIV program PopART. The HPTN 071 (PopART) study involved more than one million people living in 21 communities in Zambia and South Africa, making it the largest HIV prevention trial to date.

Download the Academic Strategy Summary [PDF, 7.5 MB]Download the Academic Strategy [PDF, 5.5MB]