I-Explore Enquiries


Room 308
Centre for Languages, Culture & Communication
Level 3, Sherfield Building
South Kensington Campus
Imperial College London

I-Explore Main Contacts

  • Jackie Twitchett

    Jackie Twitchett

    Personal details

    Jackie Twitchett I-Explore Senior Administrator

    +44 (0)20 7594 8757


    Sherfield Building Level 3
    Room 308

    Contact about

    I-Explore Programme: General
    (Please direct student enquiries to  iexplore@imperial.ac.uk )


  • Dr Caroline Clewley

    Caroline Clewley Photo

    Personal details

    Dr Caroline Clewley I-Explore Lead and STEMM Module Stream Lead


    Sherfield Building Level 3
    Room S311

    Contact about

    I-Explore Programme: Strategy and Pedagogy

  • Fran Cherpin

    This folder is for 300x400 only

    Personal details

    Fran Cherpin CLCC Undergraduate Administrator

    +44 (0)20 7594 2086


    Sherfield Building Level 3
    Room 308

    Contact about

    Imperial Horizons: Humanities & Social Sciences
    I-Explore: STEMM Modules