Collaborater with us

What we offer

  • reflective conversations
  • tailored mindfulness sessions for your group
  • coaching – the use of process questions to help formulate new outcomes and plans
  • sessions exploring personal or group experiences using (reflective practice)
  • religious literacy and dialogue training

Contact Chaplaincy if you would like to discuss an idea.

Working with us

As Chaplains we find that staff and students wanting to reflect on the meanings that they find in their studies, work and research.

Over the years we have developed a practice of conversation that helps people reflect on things that matter to them.

The distinctive features of these conversations include

  • not needing to know the outcome when we start
  • moving  between the personal and the professional
  • being able to consider the inter-connectedness between our ideas, emotions, bodily experience and our relationships,
  • seeing our personal experience within wider contexts like, culture, family, politics, history of ideas, sense of God, tradition, belief, or values
  • confidential

Some examples of this consultancy work would include

  • Work with the medical school assisting with medical ethics training
  •  ‘Death, Autopsy and Law’ , we developed a half-day session on ‘culture, funerals and cremations’ for medical students. This involves a guided tour of funeral objects from different cultures at the Victoria and Albert Museum and reflection about ‘on the ward ‘experiences of death and dying.
  • We worked with students from Civil Engineering Society as they prepared evening reflection between staff and students on ‘What motivates me to be an engineer?’
  • We ran some tailored Mindfulness meditations for Master’s students from the Business School who had been studying work related stress.
  • We hosted a display by Communication of Science students on the public and private faces of science.(Image)
  • With Masters students at the RCA using us as a research resource for their projects such as, apps for Mindfulness and peer support, silence and mental health in young people, what would be the issues if robots could care for us at the end of our lives?