On this page:
  • What is evidence?
  • What should my evidence include?
  • What evidence do I need to provide?
  • Common questions about evidence

What is evidence?

Evidence is documentation from a relevant professional body or appropriately qualified individual that states your disability, impairment or long-term health condition and the impact it has on you.   

What should my evidence include?

 Evidence must:
  • be completed by a relevant professional;
  • follow sector standards where appropriate e.g. Dyslexia/Specific learning difficulties;
  • state the name of your disability, impairment or long-term health condition;
  • state whether it is temporary, long-term or permanent;
  • be up-to-date and where relevant, provide a prognosis and (expected) duration of the condition;
  • state how the disability/impairment affects you;
  • indicate wherever possible what study-related support or adjustments you may require.  
Please note: adjustments outlined in evidence secured before attending Imperial College London may not be replicated. This is to ensure equity. Different countries and/or Higher Education Institutions may have different standards. You will not automatically receive adjustments as they are for guidance only and the final decision rest with the university Registry.
To be eligible for support and adjustments from Imperial, you first need to provide valid evidence. Without this, temporary support and arrangements may be possible, but this cannot be implemented longer term unless the requirements are met.   

What evidence do I need to provide?

Evidence should be in the form of a letter from your GP or consultant, or a report from a psychiatrist or psychologist. If you were diagnosed when you were much younger, the Disability Advisory Service may ask you to have an assessment with a psychologist once you begin your studies at Imperial, to ensure your support needs are fully identified.

Assessment reports must be completed by a qualified psychologist, or an assessor holding a PATOSS qualification. The report structure must follow the SpLD Assessment Standards Committee (SASC) guidance and reports must also have been carried out after your 14th birthday. If your report does not meet SASC guidance and/or was completed when you were younger than 14, the Disability Advisory Service can advise you on how to get an updated report completed and how to fund this.

Evidence must come from your GP surgery, doctor or consultant at your hospital or outpatient clinic, your psychiatrist, or with some more minor conditions, a qualified nurse. Your evidence must be dated, on headed paper and include the address, signature and qualification of the practitioner.  

Common questions about evidence

When should I provide evidence?

Please provide evidence of your disability before or during your advisor appointment. If you want to send your evidence before your appointment, please email a copy to the Disability Advisory Service (DAS).

I had additional exam arrangements at school. What should I do to get this at Imperial?

If your evidence meets our criteria (as indicated above: 'What should my evidence include?' and 'What evidence do I need to provide?'), please email this to DAS and make an appointment with a disability advisor.

If you don’t have full valid evidence for your disability or specific learning difficulty, one of the best ways to get initial temporary exam arrangements at Imperial College is by providing either the DAS or your departmental disability officer with a Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) Form 8.

This is the official form which schools/sixth form colleges use to apply to the JCQ for ‘A’ Level examination arrangements. Practice varies widely as some schools share Form 8s with their pupils and others do not.  The forms are kept on school file and past pupils can request a copy by contacting their school/sixth form college directly.   

Please note that a Form 8 does not constitute confirmation of a disability and is intended to provide temporary arrangements until a full diagnostic assessment with DAS can be arranged or other medical/disability evidence can be secured to make arrangements permanent. 

Should an SpLD assessment be completed before coming to Imperial?

This can be useful as it might speed up support but there are some issues with taking this step. The report must adhere to SASC guidance. Often, an omission of a key test or data set can lead to an assessment report being rejected. This is frustrating and costly, but it is necessary to ensure equity and validity. Temporary exam arrangements and/or study skills can sometimes be put in place pending re-assessment if your report is not valid. 

What should I do if my evidence is not in English?

We require relevant and appropriate evidence of disability, which must be supplied in English. Translations should be carried out by an independent translation service. Read the Translations‌ document (PDF) for further guidance. We cannot accept translations by family members or friends.  
Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD) diagnostic assessment evidence must meet certain criteria, so prior completed assessments may not be accepted by the College even if it has been in another country or at another UK Higher Education Institution. It is recommended that advice is sought by DAS before personal payment is made for any (SpLD) translations.
Imperial will work with you to secure necessary valid evidence wherever possible. 

Can I disclose my disability without providing evidence?

Yes, you can. We do not require you to provide evidence in order to disclose a disability. However, we cannot put any reasonable adjustments in place for you in relation to additional exam arrangements or accommodation, without evidence from a qualified professional.

Can Imperial help me get evidence?

If you have a disability or impairment, but inadequate or no evidence, we may be able to refer you to the Health Centre on South Kensington Campus. For Dyslexia/SpLD and autistic spectrum condition, we can arrange for you to have a full diagnostic assessment.  

I don’t know what evidence I need to provide

For physical and sensory impairments and long-term medical conditions (including enduring mental health difficulties), you can download the Medical Evidence form and give this to the relevant health professional to complete.  

No evidence for a physical, sensory or mental impairment?

If you do not have any formal evidence of your e.g. hearing impairment, restricted mobility, diabetes, anxiety, you can download the form below and take it to your local doctor (GP), consultant, psychiatrist etc, and ask them to complete it.