Try Before You Bike

Try Before You Bike is a cycle scheme operated by Peddle My Wheels, which allows you to try out a new (or nearly new) bike for a small fee. If you then wish to buy the bike, you can do so for a reduced fee or via a payment plan.

It's fully inclusive and includes electric, adaptive and cargo bikes. It is delivered by qualified cycle instructors who can give you advice during your free induction, so you can find something totally suitable for you.

You can learn more about Try Before You Bike on their website

If you're a member of staff, you should apply for the Cycle to Work scheme

New safety measures at South Kensington

It is now no longer possible to use the cycle lane alongside the Imperial College Road/Exhibition Road exit barrier while it is down. Instead, we request all two-wheeled traffic to either exit via the barrier or, if preferred, dismount and push their bikes along the pavement exit.

Please note that this change is a pilot scheme, introduced urgently to enhance safety. We consider it a temporary measure until we can implement a more secure exit option for two-wheeled riders. If you have any suggestions or feedback, do feel free to contact us at