The AMMP Section conducts research of the highest quality and has strengths in several interconnected areas of applied mathematics including Applied and Numerical Analysis, Biomathematics, Dynamical Systems, Fluid Dynamics, and Mathematical Physics.
The philosophy of the section is that there are no barriers between these core strengths but instead inter- and intra-disciplinary links are fostered and sustained as evidenced by our track record in collaborations among the groups but also with other departments and centres at Imperial including Aeronautics, Computing, Chemical Engineering, the Grantham Institute, Life Sciences, Physics as well as the Medical School. There are also numerous national and international research collaborations.
AMMP research groups and projects
EPSRC Programme, Platform Grant Centres and Networks
The Section coordinates a pan-European Innovative Training Network in Critical Transitions in Complex Systems, involving eight universities and funded by the European Research Council.
The national and international excellence of the Section is also evidenced by the EPSRC Programme and Platform Grant Centres it currently hosts. These are:
Multiscale Analysis of Complex Interfacial Phenomena
Multiscale analysis of Complex Interfacial Phenomena: Platform Grant in collaboration with Chemical Engineering.