Contact the organiser
To find out more about the Imperial–UCL Numerics Seminar please contact Dr Sheehan Olver.
Diversity Policy of the Imperial/UCL Numerics Seminar
Department of Mathematics, Imperial College London
Imperial College London, its Department of Mathematics, and its Applied Mathematics Section are committed to fostering a welcoming, open, and diverse research community. We recognize that there are groups who remain under-represented in the discipline, particularly among senior academics and other professionals. One of the ways we can try to address this is to take active steps to promote equality, diversity and inclusion among the speakers in this seminar series. This this end:
1. We will seek a diverse set of speakers that reflects the diversity of the UK’s community of professional polynomialers in terms of gender and ethnicity/race, etc.
2. We will invite speakers from all around the UK, and insofar as possible around the rest of Europe and the world.
3. We will include speakers who are at a range of career stages.
4. We will monitor our speaker list and make it public.
When soliciting names of potential speakers the organizers emphasize our aim to present a slate of speakers that is diverse in terms of gender, ethnicity/race, geography, and career stage. We also take advantage of resources such as R Ladies, the UK Women in Mathematics LinkedIn Group, European Women in Mathematics Members List, Wikipedia’s Women in Statistics Page.
Last updated 14 October 2019