Video content

Collision of clusters of granular material
Collision of clusters of granular material
Collision of clusters of granular material

Self-organization of particles through alignment. attraction
Self-organization of particles through alignment. attraction, repulsion and roosting
Self-organization of particles through alignment. attraction, repulsion and roosting

Aggregation-Diffusion equation
Aggregation-Diffusion equation (nonlinear diffusion and gaussian attractive potential)
Aggregation-Diffusion equation (nonlinear diffusion and gaussian attractive potential)

Relaxation towards the Maxwellian equilibrium
Relaxation towards the Maxwellian equilibrium in a kinetic equation
Relaxation towards the Maxwellian equilibrium in a kinetic equation.

Mill to Flock Heteroclinic path
Mill to Flock Heteroclinic path
Mill to Flock Heteroclinic path

Gradient descent of the interaction energy
Gradient descent of the interaction energy leading to a global equlibrium
Gradient descent of the interaction energy leading to a global equlibrium.