A woman working at a laptop and wearing a coronavirus mask

COVID Anxiety

While it is normal to be worried about COVID, people with severe COVID anxiety become so fearful about getting ill that they cannot function properly. Professor Mike Crawford is leading a study to find out how this type of health anxiety is affecting people’s lives during the pandemic. The project is also exploring whether a psychological treatment called Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Health Anxiety helps people with these problems. People aged 18 and over who have high levels of anxiety about COVID will receive an assessment of their mental health and daily functioning, and those with severe health anxiety will be invited to take part in a study examining the effects of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. By conducting the first-ever study of severe COVID anxiety in the UK and testing an intervention which may benefit patients, the study will generate important new knowledge about how to support people whose mental health has been badly affected by the pandemic.

NHS Workers and COVID-19

Dr Dasha Nicholls is leading rapid-response research into the psychosocial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on North West London NHS and social care-affiliated staff performance and wellbeing. The study will identify key indicators of resilience and vulnerability and evaluate tiered and tailored staff support programmes that are being implemented locally and nationally with a particular focus on BAME issues. For further information, please contact us at nhscheck@imperial.ac.uk.

Impact of COVID-19 the Eating Behaviour of Young People

Dr Dasha Nicholls and Dr Victoria Burmester are investigating the effects of lockdown on the eating behaviour of young people. Results so far suggest that emotional eating has risen during lockdown restrictions and that awareness of the issue with parents, schools and public health providers is paramount. If you have a child aged 4-17 years, we would like to hear your views, so please complete our online anonymous survey

The mental health status and coping strategies among young people in the UK during and after the COVID-19 lockdown

Dr Lindsay Dewa, Research Fellow at Imperial's Institute of Global Health Innovation, is leading a sequential mixed-methods study named CCopeY which commenced in April 2020. The study aim is to examine the mental health status and coping strategies of young people (aged 16-24) during and after COVID-19 lockdown. The study is co-produced with young people - from prioritisation to data collection to dissemination. Over 750 participants took part in the first survey in April 2020. Changes over time will also be examined.