
BibTex format

author = {Silhan, J and Nagorska, K and Zhao, Q and Jensen, K and Freemont, PS and Tang, CM and Baldwin, GS},
doi = {nar/gkr905},
journal = {Nucleic Acids Research},
pages = {2065--2075},
title = {Specialization of an Exonuclease III family enzyme in the repair of 3' DNA lesions during base excision repair in the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis},
url = {},
volume = {40},
year = {2012}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - We have previously demonstrated that the twoExonuclease III (Xth) family members presentwithin the obligate human pathogen Neisseriameningitidis, NApe and NExo, are important forsurvival under conditions of oxidative stress. Ofthese, only NApe possesses AP endonucleaseactivity, while the primary function of NExoremained unclear. We now reveal further functionalspecialization at the level of 30-PO4 processing forNExo. We demonstrate that the bi-functional meningococcalglycosylases Nth and MutM can performstrand incisions at abasic sites in addition to NApe.However, no such functional redundancy existsfor the 30-phosphatase activity of NExo, and thecytotoxicity of 30-blocking lesions is reflectedin the marked sensitivity of a mutant lackingNExo to oxidative stress, compared to strainsdeficient in other base excision repair enzymes. Ahistidine residue within NExo that is responsiblefor its lack of AP endonuclease activity isalso important for its 30-phosphatase activity,demonstrating an evolutionary trade off in enzymefunction at the single amino acid level. This specializationof two Xth enzymes for the 30-end processingand strand-incision reactions has notpreviously been observed and provides a newparadigm within the prokaryotic world for separationof these critical functions during baseexcision repair.
AU - Silhan,J
AU - Nagorska,K
AU - Zhao,Q
AU - Jensen,K
AU - Freemont,PS
AU - Tang,CM
AU - Baldwin,GS
DO - nar/gkr905
EP - 2075
PY - 2012///
SN - 1362-4962
SP - 2065
TI - Specialization of an Exonuclease III family enzyme in the repair of 3' DNA lesions during base excision repair in the human pathogen Neisseria meningitidis
T2 - Nucleic Acids Research
UR -
VL - 40
ER -

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