We are here to support and help you

  • Deepen your religious practice while at university
  • Reflect on the meanings in your life, relationships, work, studies or research
  • Promote deeper understandings between people of different religious and philosophical world views
  • Offer one to one confidential support in times of crisis, stress or uncertainty
  • Develop meditation
See a Chaplain

Imperial is an international academic community based in one of the most religiously diverse cities in the world. Students and staff at Imperial represent a wide variety of religious traditions and spiritualties, as well as philosophical and secular perspectives.

This makes Imperial a great place both to explore your own outlook and that of other people. And of course the events that happen in our life - the joys and the sorrows - may strengthen or disturb our views of the world. The Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre provides a confidential place to explore faith and to find support for personal issues. We work with students and staff from different faith and philosophical backgrounds.

Our aim

Education is about change and transformation. This is true for ourselves as we learn new skills and ideas. It is also true in the way that research can change what we do and how we think as a society.

Our key aim is to see that religious life can flourish as a support for the educational challenges and changes of university life.

Here are some of the things we offer

  • Access to approved Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu and Sikh Chaplains and Faith Advisors.
  • Use of our meeting room and kitchen – ideal for small groups and faith-related discussions.
  • Use of our multi-faith prayer room for individuals and groups  (available to all members of College Monday to Friday on swipe access 09.00-20.00. Contact us to set up access outside these hours)
  • Access to our multi-faith library
  • Information about student faith groups
  • Opportunities for interfaith dialogue and action
  • Information about local places of worship for all the major faiths
  • Impartial advice about new religious movements
  • Conversation about projects and issues in your work, studies or research
  • Coaching for personal development to think about options, ideas and things to do
  • Bereavement support
  • One off conversations when a situation or issue arises
  • Regular conversation each week, or month, when things are complex or take time to address.

Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre

15 Prince's Gardens

South Kensington Campus



Tel / Fax: +44 (0)20 7594 9600