Researchers value the guidance that patients and the public can provide to help them understand how their research is viewed by the people it is aimed towards. Insights from the patient perspective enable researchers to ensure their work is relevant and that information they produce about their research is clear.


What is patient and public involvement (PPI) in research?

In this short film, people share their experiences of being involved with research. 






Why patients and the public might want to get involvedimage 1

  • Increase their knowledge of research, clinical trials and the NHS
  • Understand more about their condition
  • Feel part of the solution rather than the problem
  • Assist researchers as a means of ‘giving something back’
  • Being able to influence research
  • Learn new skills and develop existing ones

In the following link, you will find several accounts from people who have been involved in research and the impact it has had on their lives:

Research changed my life

How could you be involved?

There are a number of ways patients and the public can be involved with research. You could:

  • Be asked for your opinions on the type of research that would be useful and important to you
  • Help to apply for funding for a piece of research
  • Provide your feedback on the way research has been planned, sharing your concerns or ideas for improvements
  • Review the documents that will be given to patients to ensure they are understandable
  • Become a member of a team to provide guidance on a piece of research from the patient perspective
  • Lead focus groups to determine the opinions of other patients / members of the public
  • Influence the way results are shared so that they reach the people to whom the researched is aimed
  • Advise on the best ways to measure the impact of research

What could you expect if you became involved in research at ICTU?image 2

  • To be welcomed into a partnership with researchers
  • To be valued for your contribution
  • Clear guidance on the activities you undertake
  • Opportunities to clarify any activity you take part in
  • An insight into the research process
  • Feedback on how the activities you are involved in influence the research

If you would like to find out more about being involved with research at ICTU please contact Marie Miller (

The Collaborations Section is currently being updated. 

If your request falls under one of the Therapeutic areas details for the relevant email can be found on the Therapeutic Area Contact Details Page.

Registration Open - ICTU & NIHR RSS 2nd Contemporary Clinical Trials Methodology Meeting

Imperial Clinical Trials Unit’s and the NIHR RSS Imperial and partners Hub’s 2nd Contemporary Clinical Trials Methodology Meeting Putting Contemporary Clinical Trials Methodology into Practice is now open for registration.

Please go to  the events page for more information. The early bird booking is available for this  event which will be held 2nd & 3rd April 2025.