[07/12/16] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis gave seminar at the Fluid Dynamics Research Center, School of Engineering, University of Warwick, as part of their Fluid Dynamics seminar series.
[05/12/16] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis gave a seminar at the School of Mathematics, University of Leeds as part of their Applied Mathematics Seminars series.
[30/11/16] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis gave the Plenary and Inaugural Lecture of the newly formed Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences Colloquium in Applied Mathematics (jointly between AC2MB seminar series of the Department of Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University, and ACM seminar series of the School of Mathematics, Edinburgh University), International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh. Title of the talk: "Complex dynamics in multiscale systems".
[01/10/16] Congratulations to group member Dr Andrew Duncan for his recent success of securing a Lectureship in the School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences at University of Sussex.
[30/6/16] Our recent article Yatsyshin, P. and Parry, A. & Kalliadasis, S. “Complete prewetting” J. Phys.-Condens. Mat. was highlighted (link here) by the reviewers as being particularly significant to the community and featured at JPhys+ blog.
This is an online blog for articles that have wider appeal and interest as well as scientific importance and covers news and research from across the Journal of Physics series.
[10/6/16] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis gave a seminar at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge as part of their Fluid Mechanics seminar series.
[17/5/16] Congratulations to group member , who successfully defended his doctoral thesis in his PhD viva examination recently. The internal and external examiners were Prof. Erich Müller (IC, Chemical Engineering) and Prof. Dr. Detlef Lohse (Twente, Applied Physics), respectively.
[7/4/16] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis together with Dr. Peter Yatsyshin (Imperial College), Dr. Ben Goddard (University of Edinburgh), Dr. Marc Pradas (Open University) and Dr. Nikos Savva (Cardiff University), organised the Minisymposium “Statistical mechanical and phase field modelling of inhomogeneous fluids” at the 2016 British Applied Mathematics Colloquium at Oxford University.
Originally regarded as a part of condensed matter and physical chemistry, today statistical mechanical and phase field modelling of fluids is a truly cross disciplinary area which involves physicists and applied mathematicians, as well as engineers, chemists and biologists on the academic front, and industrial scientists and engineers on the applied front. The minisymposium aimed to address an apparent gap in the BAMC agenda regarding statistical mechanical and phase field models, by bringing together leading experts from different communities.
Speakers: Prof. Andrew Parry (Imperial College), Dr. Andrew Archer (Loughborough University), Dr. Kostya Trachenko (Queen Mary University of London), Dr. Jim Lutsko (ULB), Prof. Tapio Ala-Nissila (Aalto University) and Dr. Markus Schmuck (Heriot-Watt University).
[26/2/16] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis gave an invited talk entitled “A never ending journey. Singularities, Slip, Substrates and Structure: Challenges of modelling the moving contact line problem” at the Seminar Series of the Physics of Fluids Group, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Twente.
[30/1/16] Prof. Serafim Kalliadasis gave two invited talks:
- Applied and Computational Mathematics Seminar, School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, January 2016.
- Invited speaker in session “Homogenization and Multi-scale modelling” (jointly organised by of the PMPM and UK InterPore Joint Annual Meeting, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh, January 2016.