
  • Dr Michele Conroy

    Dr Michele Conroy

    Personal details

    Dr Michele Conroy Royal Society University Research Fellow


    Functional Materials
    Nanotechnology and Nanoscale Characterisation
    London Centre for Nanotechnology
  • Siobhán Kingsley

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    Siobhán Kingsley PhD student - CDT Nuclear Energy Futures.

    PhD title and affliations

    'Atomic Scale Cryogenic Microscopy to understand the Degradation of Vitrified Nuclear Waste'

    Co-supervisors: Prof Baptiste Gault (ICL and Max-Planck Institute Düsseldorf)) and Prof Mary Ryan (ICL)

  • Neil Mulcahy

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    Neil Mulcahy PhD student - EPSRC InFUSE Prosperity Partners

    PhD title and affiliations

    'Correlative operando and cryo techniques for visualising structure and chemistry in nanoscale systems'

    Co-supervisors: Prof Mary Ryan
  • Geri Topore

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    Geri Topore PhD Student - CDT Advanced Characterisation of Materials, co-funded by Cameca Instruments Ltd.

    PhD title and affiliations

    'Mesoscopic electric field predictions and specimen shape measurements to improve reconstruction in atom probe tomography'

    Co-supervisors: Prof Baptiste Gault (ICL and Max-Planck Institute Düsseldorf) and Prof Finn Guiliani (ICL) 
  • Lukas Worch

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    Lukas Worch PhD student - CDT Advanced Characterisation of Materials

    PhD title and affiliations

    'Investigating the Nanoscale Solid–Liquid Interface for Next Generation Batteries via Cryogenic STEM'
    Co-supervisors: Prof Baptiste Gault (ICL and Max-Planck Institute Düsseldorf) and Prof Valeria Nicolosi (TCD)
  • Haochen Guang

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    Haochen Guang MEng student

    MEng title and affiliations

    'Characterising the Solid Liquid Interface of Battery Materials at the Atomic-Scale'


  • Zelong Yan

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    Zelong Yan MEng student

    MEng title and affiliations

    'Nanoscale Fabrication of Improper Ferroelectric Thin Films'