The Use of DNA Dendrimers as a DNA Carrier for Protein Identification and Quantification through Nanopore Sensing

AlexI am using DNA Dendrimers as a novel DNA carrier for protein identification and identification in nanopore sensing. The proteins I am focusing on are thrombin, beta-amyloid, and alpha-synuclein. The latter two are integral to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease respectively. The ability to detect these proteins in low concentrations through nanopore sensing could allow for early detection and diagnosis in these diseases. Early detection, in particular, could have a huge effect in how these diseases are treated. 


  • PhD Candidate, Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London. Supervisors: Prof. Joshua Edel, Dr. Alex Ivanov
  • MSc with Distinction, Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College London. (2016-2017) Supervisor Dr. Peter Dimaggio, Project: Structural Insights into the Role of the Tau Protein in Alzheimer’s Disease
  • BSE in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Pennsylvania (2012-2016)



Professor Joshua B. Edel
Department of Chemistry
South Kensington Campus
SW7 2AZ London

Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 0754

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