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Imperial life scientists and public health experts head to our Exhibition Road neighbours at the end of September for their latest evening ‘Late’ exploring the science behind sexuality

Interact on social media via the hashtag #smlates.

Here is a bit more information on the Imperial activities that will be on show throughout the evening

STI Mythbusters

Do men get more sexually transmitted infections (STIs) than women? When was the condom invented? Can you get the same STI twice?  Join our our team from the School of Public Health to test your knowledge about STIs, play games, answer our anonymous sexual behaviour survey, and learn about how sexual behaviours affect patterns of disease.

Life without sex

Some animals have given up sex altogether. Join Professor Tim Barraclough and colleagues from his Evolutionary Biology group to discover the weird and wonderful world of bdelloid rotifers – tiny animals that gave up sex 50 million years ago yet take up DNA from bacteria to help them adapt. 

Whose penis is it anyway? 

Explore the weird and wonderful world of animal genitals with I, Science. Test your knowledge and rank penises in size order or decide whose bits are the most bizarre.