For staff who teach students and provide feedback on their progress and performance, for example, feedback on class quizzes, lab practicals, coursework, draft essays and online self-tests. In particular, this workshop is for staff who are new to teaching, and for those who want to review their existing ways of formatively assessing students and providing feedback.
The session presents and discusses a range of methods for formatively assessing students, that is: monitoring student progress, informing students about the strengths and weaknesses of their work, advising students on ways of improving their performance, encouraging students to engage fully with assessment and to make use of feedback.
This workshop is intended to complement the A Practical Guide to Setting and Marking Assessments workshop. These two assessment-related workshops are meant to be complementary; attending both is not compulsory but is worthwhile if you are involved in both formative and summative assessment. A more advanced Focus on Educational Design and Assessment Management workshop is also available for staff with responsibilities for entire modules, year groups or programmes. For further information and to book online, please see the workshop webpage.