The opening ceremony of COP25

Chloé is a senior reporter for Climate Home News, an international news website covering climate politics and diplomacy. She has covered the UN climate talks every year since 2016, and attended the UN climate action summit in New York in September 2019. Her work has previously appeared in the BBC, the Guardian, the Independent and specialist environmental outlets including Business Green and DeSmogUK.

The talk:

2020 is a critical year for climate action. The UK is hosting the UN Climate Summit (COP26) in Glasgow in November, when countries are under pressure to set tougher climate targets to bridge the gap between current levels of commitments and what is needed to limit global temperature rise to “well below 2C” of warming – the upper target of the Paris Agreement.

The UK needs to provide the diplomactic and confidence lift the world needs to galvanise political leaders into taking more ambitious climate action. This is an enormous task for the UK government, especially at a time when the geopolitical momentum to tackle climate change has stalled. The United States will formally leave the Paris Agreement on 4 November, days before the start of the climate summit in Glasgow, and emerging economies such as China and India are turned inwards.

Climate change is the biggest story of our time but climate politics and diplomacy rarely make the headlines. The talk will cover why it matters for journalists to report on these stories, the challenges and opportunities of covering such a fast growing beat, and what it’s like behind the scenes of the UN climate talks.

Join me for a conversation about the diplomacy that is shaping political (in)action on climate change.


Practical information:

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On the day, we recommend arriving 5 minutes before the start of the seminar. Seminars are generally followed by a drinks reception.

The Grantham Institute is located in between the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Building and the Faculty Building on this map.

Please be aware that our seminars are recorded. If you do not wish to appear on the recording please alert a member of staff. For any further enquiries regarding the Changing Planet seminar series, please contact Anne Houston.

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[Image credit: UNclimatechange CC BY-NC-SA 2.0]

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