The slower the better – Observation of ion migration in perovskite layers by surface photovoltage
Matyas Daboczi
14th May 3-4pm
Microsoft Teams

Matyas is a final year PhD student at Ji-Seon Kim’s group. His research focuses on the understanding of loss mechanisms (especially open-circuit voltage) in perovskite, organic and integrated perovskite/bulk heterojunction solar cells using energy level and surface photovoltage measurements.

Published works:

Twitter: , @DrDaboczi

The next Soft Electronic Materials Seminar will be given by Adam Creamer on Thursday 21 May at 100.

The CPE Soft Electronic Materials is a seminar series funded by the CPE for PhDs, PostDocs and Fellows to present their research to open up discussion and collaboration. We aim to have speakers from all groups and areas of research within the CPE.