South Kensington Campus

What will the economy look like in the future, and what will be the shape of recovery and growth?

That is the question that two leading academics and the innovation and technology leader of one of the world’s largest airlines will be addressing in the first session of this year’s Innovation Journeys series, co-hosted by Imperial Business Partners and MIT’s Industrial Liaison Program, in association with BT.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, economic and health models have dominated the news agenda, but what impact do models make on the real world? People’s lives and livelihoods have been dramatically affected by the pandemic, but as the world starts to get to grips with the new normal, how can businesses make changes now to safeguard the future for their companies and their employees, and what policies and practices should authorities develop to support the health and wellbeing of their citizens?

Professor Jonathan Haskel (Chair in Economics and an independent member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee), Professor Joseph Coughlin (Director of MIT’s AgeLab) and Aireen Omar (President of RedBeat Ventures, part of AirAsia Group) will discuss what the future economy may look like and how to support recovery and growth.

The event will be hosted by Michael Schrage from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Schedule of the day

15.00 – Welcome and overview

15.10 – Some observations on the future of the economy – Professor Jonathan Haskel

15.35 – If demography, is destiny, what do business leaders need to know about the future of the workplace and marketplace? – Dr Joseph Coughlin

16.00 – Technology innovation: Pivoting in the age of Covid-19 – Aireen Omar

16.25 – Roundtable discussion

16.50 – Closing remarks

About Imperial Business Partners

Imperial Business Partners offers accelerated access to the best of Imperial’s people, technologies, expertise and facilities. Through bespoke pathfinder activities, led by dedicated engagement managers, we enable businesses to connect with and benefit from the world-leading expertise, facilities and resources at Imperial College London. We build long-term, productive, collaborative relationships with businesses around the world.

About MIT’s Industry Liaison Program

The MIT Industrial Liaison Program (ILP) is dedicated to creating and strengthening mutually beneficial relationships between MIT and corporations worldwide. Established in 1948, the ILP continues to be a key player in making industrial connections for MIT.

The second session of the Innovation Journeys 2020 series takes place on 8 October, highlighting a range of technologies and latest applicable research to improve businesses’ adoption of environmentally-sensitive and sustainable future development.

Actionable insights for your organisation

Whether your company has had to transition quickly to new ways of working or is looking for technology solutions to new or emerging challenges, experts across the College are available to help. Check out our Life After Lockdown pages for information about sector-specific projects or programmes or work to support your business through the COVID-19 pandemic and build for the future.

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