Batteries Poster Session

Please note that this event page will be updated with more information.

Join us for an online poster session showcasing some of the research around the topic of:

Next Generation Sustainable Batteries

Each presenter will present their poster for 5 minutes. There will then be an opportuntity to discuss the research in break out rooms with each of the presenters.

You can access the poster booklet here:!Akom1E0lZKRsjihqV3Os7hKonriv

For the best viewing experience we recommend that you download the booklet.

Titles of Posters and Presenters:

  • “Sodium-ion Batteries using Carbon Anodes Derived from Plastic Waste” Dr Maria Crespo Ribadeneyra, Department of Chemical Engineering Research Associate
  • “Aluminium Graphite Dual-Ion Batteries” presented by Anastasia Teck , Department of Chemical Engineering, Research Postgraduate
  • “Life cycle carbon footprint of Li-ion battery production and recycling” presented by Evangelos Kallitsis, Department of Earth Science and Engineering Research Postgraduate
  • N-Doped Porous Carbon Hosts for Lithium-Sulfur Electrodes” presented by Dr Heather Au, Department of Chemical Engineering, Research Associate
  • “Cost and Carbon Footprint Reduction of EV LIBs Through Efficient Thermal Management” presented by Dr Laura Lander, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Research Associate
  • Voltage Hysteresis Model for Silicon Electrodes for Lithium Ion Batteries, Including Multi-step Phase Transformations, Crystallization and Amorphization” presented by Jason Jiang, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Research Postgraduate,

If you have any questions about accessibility requirements please email Leah Adamson (IMSE Events Officer) on

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