H2FC Innovation Workshop

About this Event

The H2FC Supergen Hub is holding an Innovation Workshop to bring research and industry communities together.

The online workshop will take place on Thursday 25 February & Friday 26 February 2021, 11:00-15:30 (GMT)

It will explore hydrogen and fuel cell technology challenges from an industry perspective and how academic and industry can best collaborate to achieve their goals. There will be talks from a number of industry leaders and key academics as well as opportunity for discussion and networking.


Each session will consist of a talk from an academic and from key industry speakers. There will then be interactive discussion with attendees.

Thursday 25 February

11:00-11:30 Introduction

Nigel Brandon (Imperial College London)

Jane Patterson (Ricardo)

11:30-13:15 – Session 1 – Hydrogen policies, Systems and Applications

Speakers to include:

Nilay Shah (Imperial College London)

Mark Neller (ARUP)

Andy Lewis (Cadent Gas)

James Walker (EMEC)

Interactive discussion

13:45-15:30 – Session 2 – Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Production

Speakers to include:

John Irvine (St Andrew’s University)

Charles Purkess (ITM Power)

Sam French (Johnson Matthey)

Jane Patterson (Ricardo)

Samuel Perez Ramirez (Scottish Power Renewables)

Interactive topic discussion in small break out room groups.

Friday 26 February

11:00-11:15 Introduction

11:15-13:00 Session 3 – Storage and Distribution of Hydrogen and its Carriers

Speakers to include:

Tim Mays (University of Bath)

Stuart Hawksworth (Health and Safety Laboratory)

Mark Crowther (Kiwa Gastec)

Gareth Hinds (National Physical Laboratory)

Interactive topic discussion in small break out room groups.

13:30-15:45 Session 4 – Fuel Cells for Transport and Stationary Power

Speakers to include:

Anthony Kucernak (Imperial College London/Bramble Energy Ltd)

Jim Gibson (AFC Energy)

Ben Todd (Arcola Energy)

Chris Evans (Ceres Power)

Hugo Spowers (Riversimple Holding Ltd)

Ralph Clague (Jaguar Landrover)

Interactive discussion


You will receive an invitation to the webinar by email before the event.

For inquiries please contact us on h2fc@imperial.ac.uk

For Social Media please use @H2FCSupergen and #HydrogenUK

The Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Supergen Hub is an inclusive network encompassing the entire UK hydrogen and fuel cells research community, including academia, industry and government. It is funded by the UK EPSRC research council as part of the RCUK Energy Programme (grant EP/P024807/1).

For more information about H2FC Supergen Hub visit our website.

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