Display of women at Imperial

Over the past 12 months the Imperial College community has devoted an intense effort to many aspects of research into COVID-19. Our research teams have been making important scientific contributions to respond to coronavirus – from molecular virology, to vaccine development, to public health research.

In this online panel discussion, we will focus on some of the many women who have contributed to the College’s Covid-19 research. They will reflect on their Covid-19 work, and on their career and experiences of working at Imperial.

The panel includes:

  • Prof Wendy Barclay, Action Medical Research Chair Virology. Head of Department, Department of Infectious Disease
  • Prof Helen Ward, Professor of Public Health, School of Public Health
  • Prof Azra Ghani, Chair in Infectious Disease Epidemiology, School of Public Health

This event will be chaired by Imperial Alumna, Dr Red Elmahdi.

This event is open to all members of the College community. Attendees will the opportunity to ask questions during the event.

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