
Join the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) for this special talk on the emerald forests of Costa Rica.

There is no other country on the planet that possess such an abundance of remaining wildlife. Costa Rica has more habitats and more species per square metre than anywhere else on Earth.

This talk will take you on a tour of the core habitats; from the coral reefs to the mountain tops of over 3,000m and all the transitional habitats in-between. It will also seek to answer the question: if Costa Rica can do it, why can’t the rest of us?

This event has been organised by the South committee of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) in collaboration with the Great Exhibition Road Festival.

Booking and joining information

Visit the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) website to book a place at this free online event.

You will receive joining instructions for this event from the Royal Geographical Society at 10.00am the day after making your booking, or 30 minutes prior to the event if you book on the day.

Great Exhibition Road Festival

The Great Exhibition Road Festival is a free annual celebration of curiosity, discovery and exploration. Join us as Exhibition Road is transformed with events and activities from over 20 research and culture organisations around South Kensington including Imperial College London, Royal Commission of 1851, Discover South Kensington, Royal Albert Hall, V&A, Science Museum, Royal College of Music, Natural History Museum and many more.

This event is part of the Festival’s new online events programme, celebrating science and the arts from your home.

Supported by Huawei, Lead Technology Sponsor

See all our upcoming events on the Festival website

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