
In this series of webinars brought to you by the Cancer Research UK Convergence Science Centre at Imperial College London and The Institute of Cancer Research, London, researchers across the two organisations will discuss key challenges facing cancer research and opportunities for new convergence science approaches to address these. Join us to consider how novel approaches and technologies could shed light on unresolved problems in cancer biology, to innovate new ways to address challenges in cancer and bring pioneering treatments to cancer patients faster.

Hosted by the Convergence Science Centre’s Scientific Director Professor Axel Behrens, the series aims to support the Centre’s mission to facilitate collaboration between traditionally separate and distinct disciplines.

Please join us on Thursday 15th April, from 16.00-17.00, for two talks from:

Professor Udai Banerji – The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust

Forever blowstudying bubbles:

In this talk Professor Banerji will discuss the use of microbubbles to increase drug concentrations in tumour, preclinical and clinical experience. Udai Banerji is the Deputy Director of the drug development unit at The Institute of Cancer Research and The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust. His clinical interests include hypothesis testing first in human studies, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and predictive biomarkers. Laboratory interests include drug resistance and clinical proteomics.

Disclaimer: he is not a West Ham fan!


Professor Mengxing Tang – Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London

Ultrasound localisation microscopy of microvascular flow in vivo using microbubbles

In this talk Professor Tang will introduce how we can increase in vivo image resolution of microvascular flow by an order of magnitude, and some initial applications related to cancer. Mengxing Tang is a Professor of Biomedical Imaging in the Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College London. He leads a team of engineers and physical scientists interested in developing and translating technologies that enable high resolution functional imaging in vivo using ultrasound.




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Please note: This webinar is exclusively available only to colleagues across the Institute of Cancer Research, Imperial College London, the Royal Marsden Hospital and Imperial College Healthcare.