Current Programme   (note there is space for one more talk – suggestions please to Dorian Haskard

Session 1: Chair: Dr Christoph Nienaber

 14:00 Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala : Update on Vascular Network Publications 

 14:05  Christoph Nienaber :  Introduction to Symposium

 14:10  Bruce Neal : The Metformin Aneurysm Trial (MAT)

 14:30  Saeed Mirsadraee : Advance and challenges in imaging of the acute aortic disorder

 14:50  Yun Xu : Advances and challenges in computational modelling of aortic flow and impact on disease   

 15:10  Salvatore Santamaria   : Fingerprinting proteoglycan turnover by ADAMTS proteases in aortopathies

 15:30  20 minute break

 Session 2: Chair: TBC

 15:50  Justin Mason : Imaging aortic inflammation and its consequences

 16:10  Jason Tarkin : Novel tracers for molecular imaging

16:30   Katie Francis :  Insights into aortic genetics and genomics from the UK Biobank and future directions

16:50   Thanos Athanasiou : Are we  approaching more Intelligent prediction in aortic dissection?

 17:10  Discussion

 17:30  Close