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Re-inventing capitalism

Business is generally recognised as a core contributor to the multiple interconnected crises plaguing the world today. Whether we focus on environmental pollution and climate change emergencies, or on income inequality, emotional well-being and social exclusion, the role played by enterprises and the socio-economic system that we developed is paramount.   

It does not need to be this way. Environmental destruction and socio-economic injustice are not inevitable consequences of economic growth.  The search for better living conditions does not need to be at the price of environmental and social degradation. The solution to the alignment of societal and natural regeneration lies in re-inventing the role of business in society, innovating and rapidly diffusing a new logic of business enterprise. 

New logics of enterprise are characterised by governance rules, performance metrics, incentive and control systems, as well as leadership and cultural values centred on enhancing the well-being of those who invest financial, human, social and natural capital in the creation, growth and success of the enterprise.

Leonardo Centre on Business for Society

This Centre will engage thought leaders across business sectors and scientific disciplines to originate path-breaking initiatives to experiment with purposeful, inclusive and sustainable ways of doing business. 

The Leonardo Centre, a multi-faculty centre of excellence of Imperial College, is tackling this ambitious agenda through:

Unique scientific and business expertise in a cross-disciplinary community of 15 Imperial College research centres and a global community of 150 scholars in 60 universities around the world

Machine Learning-enabled dataset on corporate sustainability behaviour with millions of initiatives by 13.000 companies over 12 years, categorised by SDGs and types of action.

Optimal portfolio of sustainability initiatives for each sector, maximising companies’ financial, social and environmental performance. This can enable the design of integrated sustainability strategies, investment decisions and public policy interventions based on frontier research and scientific evidence.

Evolutionary Journeys focusing on stakeholder-centred innovation and transformational change either within a single organisation or in collaborative laboratories (Co-Labs).

Welcome to the Launch of the Leonardo Centre

Join us for an interactive, action-oriented conversation between business and academia to:

Map the evolution of sustainability actions across sectors and geographies, in connection with financial, social and environmental performance, leveraging Leonardo’s unique digital dataset.

Invite business leaders to share priorities and ongoing programmes and to suggest potential areas of interest for collaborative research programmes.

Launch a “Call for Shared Research Action” to create the form of enterprise necessary for a just and regenerative form of capitalism.



1.00 – 1.05  

Professor Francisco Veloso, Dean, Imperial College Business School

1.05 – 1.10  

Professor Alice Gast, President, Imperial College

1.10 – 1.15  

Mark Carney, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance

Introduction to the Leonardo Centre

1.15 – 1.25  

Lise Kingo, Non Executive Director, Sanofi; Member of Advisory Panel for Humanitarian and Development Aid at Novo Nordisk Foundation; Chair of Leonardo Centre Advisory Board

1.25 – 1.35

Professor Maurizio Zollo, Scientific Director, Leonardo Centre; Head, Management & Entrepreneurship Department, Imperial College Business School

1.35 – 1.45 

Livio Scalvini, Executive Director, Leonardo Centre

Roundtables on the three Grand Challenges
Moderator: Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times

1.45 – 1.50

Sanda Ojiambo, CEO, UN Global Compact


1. The Systemic Challenge

1.50 – 2.00 

Peter Bakker CEO, World Business Council for Sustainable Development

2.00 – 2.30  

Roundtable: The Type of Capitalism the World Needs

Professor Tommaso Valletti, Head of Economics and Public Policy Department, Imperial College Business School
Frédéric Samama, Chief Responsible Investment Officer at CPR Asset Management, Amundi Group
Dr Renzo Tomellini, Chief Scientist, Ministry of Ecological Transition, Directorate General for Research and Innovation, European Union
Dr Marisa Miraldo, Associate Professor in Health Economics, Imperial College Business School

2.30 – 2.35



2. The Business Transition Challenge

2.35 – 2.40

Paul Hudson, CEO, Sanofi

2.40 – 3.10  

Roundtable: The Enterprise Models for the New Capitalism

Professor Nilay Shah, Head of Department of Chemical Engineering, Imperial College
Elena Bonfiglioli, Leader Health and Life Sciences EMEA, Microsoft Europe
Ed Daniels, EVP Strategy and Portfolio, Shell
Luq Niazi, Global Managing Director, Consumer Industries, IBM

3.10 – 3.15

Lord Callanan, Minister for Climate Change and Corporate Responsibility, UK Government


3. The Leadership Challenge

3.15 – 3.20  

Clarke Murphy, CEO, Russell Reynolds Associates

3.20 – 3.50  

Roundtable: The Leadership Mindsets to Drive the Transition

Dr Mark Kennedy, Co-Director, Data Science Institute, Imperial College
Sir Andrew Cahn, Trustee WWF, Non Executive Director, Huawei
Sucheta Govil, Chief Commercial Officer and Board member, Covestro
Keith Tuffley, Global Co-Head, Sustainability & Corporate Transitions, Citi

 The Call to Action

3.50 – 3.55  

Mette Morsing, Head, UN Principle Responsible Management Education

3.55 – 4.03

Launch of the Leonardo Manifesto: Professor Maurizio Zollo

4.03 – 4.13

Dominic Waughray, Managing Director, World Economic Forum

4.13 – 4.15

Closing remarks


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