Please Join us  on Wednesday 30th June from 12:00- 13:00 at the CRI Interface Section External Seminar Series.

We will have an exciting talk from Dr Debora Olivier (née Keller) on “Assessing telomere nuclear organisation using 3D spatial statistics”.

Debora Olivier is a cell biologist by training with a strong interest in advanced microscopies. She is currently a research engineer in Laure Crabbé’s lab (now at CBI Toulouse) and developed both imaging and analysis approaches to study telomere dynamics and spatial organisation. 

During her seminar, she will present a pipeline combining high-resolution 3D imaging of telomeres and nuclear envelope proteins at specific cell cycle stages, complemented with novel 3D spatial statistics and modelling. Using this approach, she will demonstrate a non-random organisation of telomeres in the nucleus, and a dynamic repositioning from the periphery to the interior as cells progress through the cell cycle. Time permitting, she will also present a tool to go from live-imaging movies to figures. This tool combines CellProfiler and Jupyter Notebooks to Segmentat, track and temporally align them to a reference time and generate graphs for multiple parameters.