The main entrance at the South Kensington Campus. The artwork behind the reception desk is a visualisation of the human brain by Danish artist Per Arnoldi, which was created in collaboration with scientists from Imperialu2019s Hammersmith Campus.

Please join us for the launch of Imperial’s new Network for Excellence in Mental Health Research.

Further information, including the event programme and how to register, will be added to this page in due course.


Please note this event is open to members of Imperial College London only.

Our launch event will be a hybrid of online and in-person at the Queens Tower Rooms and Terrace, Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus.

Please register in advance via Eventbrite.

We’ll share more information and details of how to join closer to the time of the event with registered attendees.

About the Network

The Network is hosted by the Department of Brain Sciences in the Faculty of Medicine with oversight from a cross Faculty steering committee. Initially, the aim of the network will be to foster internal relationships and collaborations and raise the profile of mental health research within the College. To join the network please email:

Visit the Network website for more information.

Call for posters

The Imperial Mental Health Research Network is delighted to invite you to submit a poster for presentation at the Launch Event Poster Session. This Network Launch event and poster session aim to celebrate and foster cross-faculty collaborations and spark new ideas for ground-breaking research.

We, therefore, invite you to submit your poster. In particular, we ask you to highlight how your research currently crosses faculty/school/disciplinary boundaries, or if not, how your research might benefit from such cross-faculty collaborations in future.

The deadline for poster submission is Tuesday 31 August, 16:00 BST. Submit your poster by email to:

For further details, please review the guidance document prior to submitting your poster.

About the event

Guest speaker: Professor Cathy Creswell, Professor of Developmental Clinical Psychology at the University of Oxford and lead for the UKRI Emerging Minds network.

Confirmed speakers include: Professor Paul Matthews, Head of Department of Brain Sciences; Lord Ara Darzi, Co-Director of the IGHI, and Professor David Nutt, Centre for Psychedelic Research.

Please see below the current programme for the day (subject to change):


  • 14:00: Dr Dasha Nicholls, Reader in Child Psychiatry, Network Lead – Introduction to the Network
  • 14:10: Professor Ian Walmsley, Provost – Cross Faculty Networks at ICL
  • 14:20: Prof Paul Matthews – The funding landscape for mental health
  • 14:35: Prof David Nutt – The history of psychiatry research at ICL
  • 15:05: Tea Break and Poster viewing
  • 15:35: Prof Aldo Faisal (Faculty of Engineering) – Potential for AI/new technologies in MH
  • 15:55: Dr Lindsay Dewa (Faculty of Medicine) – Research at the interface between Public & Clinical Mental Health
  • 16:15: Prof Bill Wisden (Faculty of Natural Sciences) – Linking stress, anxiety and sleep
  • 16:35: Prof Ara Darzi – Opportunities for Interdisciplinary Collaboration
  • 16:50: Guest Speaker: Prof Cathy Creswell, University of Oxford
  • 17.20: Prof Anne Lingford-Hughes – Thanks and wrap up
  • 17:30 Drinks reception and poster viewing: Queens Terrace

Getting here

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