12:00-12:15 Graham Wallace (UK) – introduction

12:15-12:30 Ahmet Gul (Turkey)- Hyperinflammatory response and microbial triggers: Pathergy reaction as a model. 

12:30-12:45  Fumio Kaneko (Japan) – Aphthae triggered by oral streptococcus allergy in Behcet’s disease

12:45-13:00 Farida Fortune (UK) – Oral Microbiome and oral health

13:00-13:15 Gonca Mumcu (Turkey)– Care Coordination Between Medicine and Dentistry Improves Oral Health in Behçet’s Disease

13:30  Break

13:45-14:00  Zi Ye (China)– Title to be provided  

14:00- 14:15 Eun-So Lee (South Korea) – Gut microbiome: dances to the disease activity in Behcet’s disease?

14:15-14:30 Tim van der Houwen (The Netherlands) – Title to be provided    

14:30-14:45 Giacomo Emmi (Italy)– Dietary manipulation of the microbiome  

15:00 General Discussion