Working for the War Effort hardback book on table

The contribution of ‘enemy aliens’ to the British war effort in the Second World War

The seminar will be given by Charmian Brinson and based on her recently published book. Working for the War Effort explores a facet of British propaganda during the Second World War that has not previously been considered: the apparent anomaly that much of Britain’s wartime propaganda was produced by ‘enemy aliens’, i.e. German-speaking refugees from Hitler, as a contribution to the British War Effort. German and Austrian refugees were involved in every aspect of British propaganda, both overt and covert: for the Ministry of Information, the BBC, the Intelligence organisations such as the Political Warfare Executive and the Special Operations Executive, and others. Refugee artists, writers, journalists, politicians, broadcasters, actors , academics and others were all drawn into different aspects of the British propaganda mill, as this seminar will describe.

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