
14.00 – 14.10     Introduction: Justin Mason and Charles Pusey

 Chairs:            Robert Maughan and Charis Pericleous

14.10 – 14.30    Erin Macdonald-Dunlop: Searching for novel diagnostic & disease activity markers of Large Vessel Vasculitis

14.30 – 14.50    Abbas Deghan: Multi-ancestry GWAS meta-analysis identify common variants associated with carotid intima-media thickness

14.50 – 15.10    Dr. Guang Yang: Deep Learning for CMR – Fast Imaging, Super-Resolution, and Synthesis

15.10 – 15.30     Tea break

Chairs:             Taryn Youngstein and Steve McAdoo

15.30 – 15.50    Maria Prendecki/Katharine Lodge: Biophysical properties of neutrophils in ANCA associated vasculitis

15.50 – 16.10    Nazila Kamaly: Inflammation resolving targeted nanomedicines: opportunities for kidney disease therapy (Online)

16.10 – 16.30    Jun Ishihara: Molecular Engineering to Turn Immunity On and Off: Novel Vascular-Targeted Cancer and Autoimmune Disease Therapeutics

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