picture of choir singing and candle

Evensong is the long tradition of singing the evening prayers. The words of the service are largely unchanged for five hundred years. Each generation has composed its own music for the words. We are able to hear those musical voices from across the ages – the words and music that have held the joys and sorrows of many, many people. Join us for a musical feast every two weeks in term time. You can find out more about Evensong on the Chaplaincy website.

Music for the Service

The Choir continues to celebrate the work of women composers – tonight with music by Maria Portela and Agneta Sköld.

The opening Anthem is the ‘Sanctus’ from the Mass for Double Choir in E flat by Lichtenstein composer Josef Rheinberger (1839-1901).

The Verses and Responses are by Maria Portela (a current student at Imperial College) inspired by music from her home region of Minho in northern Portugal. Maria writes that in Minho “traditions often intertwine the sacred and the secular: patron saints and the work of the land, biblical stories and pastoral dances, clerical processions and marching bands. This set of responses reimagines folk melodies from Minho while staying true to the traditional harmonisation style.”

The music for the Canticles, the Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis, are by Herbert Sumsion (1899-1995) who studied at the Royal College of Music.

The closing Anthem is ‘Let your Light Come’ by Swedish composer Agneta Sköld (b.1947).


If you would like information on other Choral Evensong services please sign up for our mailing list.

Some past services and many songs by Imperial Chamber Choir can be watched on YouTube.

Next Services this term: 8th and 22nd June.

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