Sir Colin Dollery - A Celebration. A symposium event hosted by the Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London. 23 May 2022

The Faculty of Medicine is delighted to invite you to this event.  The afternoon symposium will bring current staff and students together with former staff and alumni, colleagues of Sir Colin from across his career, and members of his family in a varied programme of talks to celebrate the life and contributions of Sir Colin.

The event will be held in person but can also be viewed online via Teams Live.   The event is open to internal staff and postgraduate research students and invited external attendees only.

Please note places at the event are free but must be booked in advance –  in person admission to the venue will be strictly managed by ticketed admission only.

The Programme:

13.00-14.00 Arrival and Registration, Tea and Coffee
14.00-17.00 Presentations
17.00-18.30 Drinks and Canapes





Welcome remarks

14.00-14.05 Martin Wilkins FMedSci

In the beginning

14.05-14.10 Diana Dollery

The RPMS years – Chair: Martin Wilkins

Colin and academic medicine

14.10-14.20 Sir Keith Peters FRS FMedSci

Colin the scientist

14.20-14.30 Garret Fitzgerald FRS

Colin and systemic hypertension

14.30-14.40 Morris Brown FMedSci

Colin and the lung

14:40-14.50 Peter Barnes FRS FMedSci

Colin and the Academy of Medical Sciences

14:50-15:00 Mary Manning

The GSK years – Chair: Martin Wilkins

Colin and Pharma

15.00-15.10 Sir Patrick Vallance FRS FMedSci

The Rollercoaster of Translation in Medicines Development

15.10-15.20 Pauline Williams CBE FMedSci

Tea and coffee 15.20-15.45

New Developments Chair: Jane Apperley

A case study in pulmonary hypertension

15.45-16.00 Luke Howard


16.00-16.15 Declan O’Regan

The retina

16.15-16.30 Francesca Cordeiro

New technology

16.30-16.45 Ian Gilmore

Closing remarks

Jonathan Weber FMedSci


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