Circuits and systems research group

Calling all alumni and postgraduate students from the Circuits and Systems Research group!

This event will provide the opportunity for CAS Alumni to come together again and reminisce about their time at Imperial College London.

Presentations will be conducted by esteemed alumni to inspire current PhD students. Lab tours and posters will be presented for current PhD students to showcase their work and for alumni to explore recent research from the CAS group.


13:00 – 1400 Lunch for alumni, staff and current students Room 611
14.00 – 14.10 Opening words from Professor Timothy Constandinou Room 408
14:10 – 15.30 Alumni talks:

Dr Stylianos Venieris

Dr Peter Pesl

Dr Antonio Roldao Lopes

Dr Al Smith

Dr Shane Fleming

Room 408
15.30 – 17.00 Food and drinks

Posters will be presented by current PhD students and lab tours provided to alumni from senior staff

Room 611


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