
Please join us for our next event on May 25th at 5.00 when we will hear from Dr Jos Boys who amongst many other things is the co-founder of 

The Dis/Ordinary Architecture Project. Originally trained in architecture, Jos Boys has worked in feminist and community-based design practice for many years.  As well as a researcher, consultant, educator, journalist and photographer, she also has considerable experience as an academic developer and instructional designer: and is a world-renowned expert consultant in learning space design in Higher Education;  Jos has long been involved in design activism, centring on co-developing critical and creative ways of designing for inclusion, including as a founding member of Matrix feminist architecture practice in the 1980s, and of the taking place feminist art and architecture group in the 2000s.

More recently, together with disabled artist Zoe Partington, she co-founded The Dis/Ordinary Architecture Project (previously called Architecture Inside Out) a collaborative platform that develops a variety of initiatives bringing together the creativity of disabled artists with architectural students, educators and practitioners. She is author of Doing Disability Differently: an alternative handbook on architecture, dis/ability and designing for everyday life” (Routledge 2014) and is editor of “Disability, Space, Architecture: A Reader (Routledge 2017).