The 18th STUOD Sandbox meeting to be held remotely on Friday, 25th November 2022. The Sandboxes are special events, set in specially equipped audio-visual rooms, among Ifremer, Imperial, and Inria with all available tools to manipulate and test ideas.

The 18th meeting of the Sandbox Series will be devoted to High Resolution Numerical Simulation Data .

Session on Coastal and Regional Ocean COmmunity model (Croco)

Chair: Darryl Holm (ICL)

12.00-12.40 Franck Dumas (SHOM) on Information on CROCO for STUOD

12.40-13.00 Quentin Jamet (INRIA) on Stochastic parametrisation for deep ocean convection

13.00-13.10 Break

Session on Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean” (NEMO)

Chair: Etienne Memin (INRIA)

13.10-13.30 Francesco Tucciarone (INRIA) on Assessing the role of noise in the Stochastic Primitive Equations

13.30-14.15 Florian Lemarié (INRIA) on Some recent developments and perspectives around NEMO dynamical kernel and physical parametrization: context and motivations.