
Join us for the next Inflammation, Repair and Development seminar to hear from Dr John Grainger speaking on ‘Systemic effects of intestinal infection and neuroinflammation on monocytes and B cells’. This is a hybrid seminar with in-person attendance at 301 Skempton or streamed online on Teams.


Dr. John Grainger obtained his BSc in Molecular Biology from University College London in 2004. Following this, he undertook his MRes and PhD at the University of Edinburgh on the Wellcome Trust funded Molecular Basis of Disease programme. The focus of his PhD work was exploring mechanisms used by gastrointestinal worms to modulate the host’s adaptive immune system in order to improve their own survival. As part of these studies he identified a novel mechanism by which helminths secrete TGF-β homologues to suppress the inflammatory response. After his PhD John moved in 2009 as a visiting research fellow to the Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA, where he developed an interest in novel functions of immune cell populations during infection. His recent studies have predominantly focused on understanding innate cell responses towards the commensal microbiota during acute pathogen infection.

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