Justin Mason

A service for the life and work of Professor Justin Mason will be held in St Luke’s Church, Chelsea at 2 pm on Thursday 22 September 2022.

The service will be followed by a reception at Chelsea Old Town Hall. The Thanksgiving Service will be an opportunity for Professor Mason’s many friends, colleagues, peers, former students and patients to gather with his family to reflect upon his life and celebrate his achievements.

Professor Justin Mason was a distinguished clinician and academic, a gifted leader, and a friend to many. Justin was Professor of Vascular Rheumatology at Imperial College London and Co-Head of the Cardiovascular Division at the National Heart and Lung Institute. He was also a Consultant Physician at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.

Register for the Memorial Event

This service is open to everyone. For catering purposes, please register your attendance.

The Professor Justin Mason Memorial Fund

We are honoured that Justin’s family have asked the College to establish the Professor Justin Mason Memorial Fund, the proceeds of which will be used to support and encourage future researchers. Justin was an extraordinary mentor and numerous students, researchers and clinicians have benefited from his support and guidance over the years.

Donations to this fund are requested in lieu of flowers. Thank you in advance for supporting the fund.

Registration is now closed. Add event to calendar
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