NHLI Tech Talks series

Asynchronous online teaching with Microsoft Sway

This session focuses on some of the design capabilities within Microsoft Sway, a widely available College tool which has been used for the delivery of online, asynchronous teaching within the NHLI. Join us, to look at examples of mini-lectures developed within the Academic Years 2020/21 and 2021/22; and learn about our overall approach to collaborative team working.

Register by joining the MS Team group

To register your interest and join the sessions above, please join the MS Teams Tech. Talks group, here: Tech Talks

Upcoming sessions will be posted to, and made available via, the Tech Talks teams’ General Channel.

Please email us at: nhlielt.support@imperial.ac.uk if you have any questions, and with any suggestions for additional Tech. Talk topics.

The NHLI Tech Talks Series

Join us for a series of fortnightly online discussions via Microsoft Teams.

Sessions will be informative and focused on the features and benefits of some of the Learning Technologies and activities supported by eLearning Technologists within the National Heart and Lung Institute and across the College.

The format of each session will include an opening presentation delivered by Mr Zuber Hanif (eLearning Technologist) followed by an opportunity for Q&A – lasting approximately 15 minutes. 

Further sessions (to be scheduled) will include:

  • Quizzes and activities for online, formative assessment
  • Video capture and Editing – Panopto
  • Turnitin: marking and feedback
  • Padlet
  • Mentimeter: Real-time polling
  • Animating Content
  • The College’s new Peer Assessment Tool