
Title: Stable minimal surfaces and Bernstein’s Problem

Speaker: Nick Manrique

Abstract: One of the dominant problems in the study of minimal surfaces throughout the 20th century was posed by Bernstein in 1915: if the graph of a globally defined function in Euclidean space is minimal, then can one conclude that the function is affine? Bernstein himself answered this in the affirmative in dimension 3, and the quest to settle the matter in higher dimensions was undertaken by such legends as Fleming, de Giorgi, Simons, and many others. In this talk, we will explore an approach to the problem via the notion of stability in minimal surfaces, using some attractive aspects of the theory of elliptic PDE and the calculus of variations along the way. We will try and explain everything from the ground up for our more algebraically-minded friends.

Some snacks will be provided before and after the talk.

This talk will be broadcasted via Zoom. Subscribe to the mailing list or contact organisers to get the Zoom details.

Junior Geometry Seminar

A weekly seminar run during term times on Fridays from 5:30–6:30pm. Most of the speakers and the audience are LSGNT students interested in geometry (algebraic, arithmetic, differential, metric, symplectic, you name it), though we plan to invite speakers from outside London in Terms 2 and 3 and everyone is welcome to join! 
The talks at the Seminar are meant to be accessible to all PhD students. We remind the speakers to assume as little prerequisites as possible and provide as much background as needed. We also encourage participants to ask questions whenever they feel like it — if you are confused, then chances are you are not alone, but everyone is too shy to ask. 

London School of Geometry and Number Theory

A joint venture of Imperial College, King’s College London and University College London with funding from EPSRC as an EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training. See more about the LSGNT

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